Rise of the OtherGod Apostle: Not a Cult Leader, but a Serf?!

#028Reader Mode


In the world of subtle cues and hidden meanings, saying “don’t change” often sounds like a veiled “you’re just fine as you are.” So when Adna says that with her hands on my shoulders, even the most clueless bastard would know that it’s a warning.

But the oblivious Fabio really doesn’t know!

So, I play the part of the ignorant fool who sighs over his own stupidity rather than being on guard.

Even if I end up with an empty lunchbox, saying, “Oops, looks like Lord Jojo mixed up the lunch ordersㅠ’“ is the key to surviving longer in this world!1T/N: MC is basically saying that pretending to be naive or playing dumb (like acting as if a mistake was not a big deal and blaming it on someone else, in this case, “Lord Jojo”) can sometimes help one avoid trouble and survive longer in a challenging situation. The “ㅠ” is a Korean emoticon representing crying or being upset, often used in a playful or exaggerated manner in casual conversations.

I flash the most innocent grin I can muster and drop a compliment, “Apostle Adna, you’re… incredibly kind.”

Adna just looks at me.

That look she’s giving me screams, ‘What the hell are you talking about? ’

But hey, her poker face hasn’t budged since we started talking, so it still felt appropriate for this situation.

But I’m not deterred. If anything, her unchanging expression makes it easier for me to adapt.

Once I think of her as a stoic eel… this is nothing!

“You’re worried that I might end up disheartened chasing an impossible dream, right? That’s what you mean when you tell me not to pursue something beyond my reach.”

Starting up the positive feedback loop overload!

“Evil forces… they exploit the cracks within our hearts, worming their way inside. Chasing dreams beyond reach, as you’ve said, could end in misfortune, not just for me but also for those around me.”

I’ll interpret all your warnings as heartfelt concerns!

“You’re cautioning me against lofty dreams to spare me from the disappointment that might follow, aren’t you?… You’re saying that there’s virtue in being weak, that I should accept myself as I am…”

I take a deep, moved breath. “Such kindness, I’ve never experienced before!”

Of course, I haven’t experienced such nonsense before.

“I always believed I needed to be strong and independent, so I’m not a burden to those around me…”

In a world where it’s every man for himself.

“But being protected doesn’t make you a burden – it gives the protectors a reason to be even stronger!”

And then, I bravely grab Adna’s hand, the one on my shoulder, and hold it firmly.

“Because I’m around, you, Apostle Adna, can find new strength!”

Can’t believe the nonsense I’m spouting here!

Here was Fabio, blissfully clueless to the subtleties of social cues, twisting every word to his advantage.

Fabio, the self-deceiver, always assuming everyone’s in his corner, and now this sudden physical touch?

It’s the legendary three-piece set move! Arguing with such people is a lost cause!

This strategy is deadly effective, particularly against the opposite sex.

Picture this: You’re ranting at someone oblivious to your anger, and they cheerfully say, “Wow, you’re so at ease with me, you don’t even censor your swear words! That’s refreshing!” How do you even come back from that?

Eventually, your urge to argue just fizzles out, replaced by an overwhelming desire to escape.

The downside? It’s a fast track to becoming disliked…

But right now, playing the harmless, clueless fool seems way safer than being tagged as a volatile heretic.

“I used to think being more accomplished and helpful would make people like me more…”

With a dramatic flair, I let tears brim in my eyes.

“But you said that you prefer me just as I am!”

Isn’t all this nonsense exhausting?

“If the Apostle herself suggests I stay the same, then so be it! She did say she likes me this way, after all.”

She’s probably dumbfounded by my misunderstanding… again.

Adna stayed silent for a considerable amount of time, as if struggling to find the right words to say.

“Apostle Adna?”

“… Please let go of my hand first.”

“Oh, my apologies!”

I quickly released her hand.

Did I overstep by touching her?

My aim was to lower her guard without diminishing her fondness for me, but making her outright hate me was not the plan…

“I’m terribly sorry for my rudeness in grabbing your hand without permission…!”

I offered another apology, trying to sound as formal as possible.

In these medieval times, I could literally lose a hand for inappropriate touching her with impure intentions…

Nervously, I asked, “Are you upset?”

“No, why would I be? It’s not something to be angry about.”

Responding to my question, Adna moved towards her training equipment.

“I’ve just realized I need much more training.”

She asserted while slipping on thick leather gloves onto both hands.

Gloves? Are these standard medieval training gloves?

Was I about to receive a fist to the face as a lesson?

She’s not angry, but I deserve to be beaten, is that it?

“Take a few steps back. There will be quite a bit of dust flying around.”

“Yes, yes!”

Phew, thankfully she’s not planning on hitting me.

I hastily retreated to the farthest corner and plastered myself against the door.

In case things escalate, I’m prepared to make a run for it.

As I thought this, my hand instinctively clutched the necklace under my clothes.

If my life becomes in danger, I’ll shout “Roklem” and summon the Saint first.

He promised me, so if I plead for him to save me, he’ll come rescue me…

Adna was poised in a corner of the training ground, her frame firm, muscles taut, and focus unwavering. She took a deep breath then, like a coiled spring finally released, she swung her fist down.



The noise that erupted next was more than just deafening; it resembled a thunderous sonic boom, unleashing a powerful shockwave that tore through the air and violently struck the ground, kicking up a storm of dust and debris. For a short while, the training ground was entirely engulfed in a dust cloud, making it impossible to see anything.

Instinctively, I shielded my face, feeling the gritty dust against my skin and couldn’t help wondering what in the world just happened.

What was that?

I couldn’t believe my eyes.

Did her fist even make contact with the ground?

Did she just create those craters with sheer air pressure?

“Haap!” Adna’s voice echoed again, this time her left fist moving in a rapid blur.


These sounds were even more ear-shattering, the ground trembling as if it couldn’t withstand her might. Dust clouds swirled, joined by chunks of earth and stone flung into the air by her powerful strikes.

The once level training field now resembled a moon-like landscape, dotted with craters of all sizes. It looked like a totally different place.

…Before, the ground was so tough it wouldn’t even leave a footprint.

It was so solid, even attempting to plow it was a joke.

I swallowed hard.

“Haa… Now I feel a bit better.”

She must have been seriously pissed off!

A sense of doom crept up my spine.

“Fabio. You… don’t speak unless it’s necessary.”

“Y… Yes! Understood!”

Thank goodness Adna’s one of the good guys who doesn’t just off people on a whim!

Otherwise, I’d be just another crater decoration.

Still, a bead of sweat rolled down my forehead as I eyed Adna’s unreadable face.

Note to self: don’t provoke with someone whose mood you can’t gauge.

“… We were discussing the matter of your affiliation.” Adna brought the subject back up again.

She’s probably itching to shove me off somewhere.

Lucky for me, Adna had a rigid distinction between public and personal matters as an Apostle of Roklem.

“Yes, it would be best if you’re affiliated with the Apostles.”


Adna casually tossed her gloves aside and started striding towards me.

“There’s… quite a bit I’d like to teach you personally.”

Is she still not over it?

Why me? What did I do to land in this situation?

Was it such a grave offense to grab an Apostle’s hand without consent first?

“B-but you must be busy…” I tried to politely refuse.

“I can make time if it’s for your sake.”

So much for separating personal from professional!

In the dusty training ground, Adna’s stone-faced march towards me felt like a scene straight out of a thriller.

“Fabio, you…”


“Ada! What’s happening here?!”

The door suddenly opened, causing me to fall backward since I was leaning against it.



Just when I thought I was going to end up sprawled on the floor, staring up at the ceiling, a pair of strong arms caught me.

“What’s this all about?”

My question exactly.

The man holding me up had this wild silver hair that wasn’t quite curly but was too unruly to be straight. He had me hooked under my armpits, securing me in an awkward yet oddly reassuring embrace.

With that mane and striking looks, he’s gotta be one of the Apostles.

I quickly scanned his features, trying to match a name to the face while he looked down at me.

Didn’t recall seeing him in the game.

Does this bastard have one of those weird names too?

“Thank you for catching me.”

I quickly straightened up, bowing politely to show my gratitude.

If his eyes are mint-colored… which Apostle could he possibly be?

The first Apostle, acknowledged as the Saint, has flawless silver eyes that seem celestial. Then there’s Adna, the fifth Apostle, with eyes that held a subtle but mesmerizing blend of blue and silver…

Minty eyes, like green melting into silver… could he be the seventh or something?

“Fabio, you okay there?” Adna finally reached where I stood and inquired.

“…Hold on a moment. What happened here?”

The Apostle’s mint colored eyes widened in disbelief as he took in the sight of the training ground, which now looked more like a war zone than a training arena.

“What did you do to create such a mess?”

“… You don’t seem to be injured.”

“Hey, Ada? Care to fill me in on what’s going on?”

“Fabio, remember you can’t handle the Blessing of Healing well, so you need to be more careful than others.”

“Ada, the other Apostles are bombarding me with questions. Are you ignoring me?”

“Moving forward, don’t lean against the door…”

“Hey?! Ada, you bastard!!”

The relentless pestering from the new Apostle was grating on my nerves, but I quickly grasped the situation.

Adna is talking to me as if she’s concerned… She must have regained some sense and wants me to act like nothing happened.

“Um, Apostle Adna, I’m okay! I’ll be careful from now on!”

I tried my best to match her tone.

I need to smooth things over with her somehow!

“Thank you for your concern! Apostle Adna!”

“…If you understand, just be careful from now on.”

The new Apostle looked at Adna and me alternately, furrowing his brows.

“Is he the new Watched One? Did you find him during the heresy interrogation?”


He shut his eyes briefly and then reopened them.

“…I just spoke with the Saint and what he asked you to do was simply share some general precautionary guidance with him.”

“That’s right.”

“So what exactly did you guide him on that’s got him looking so terrified?”

“If he’s frightened, that’s your fault, Sixth.”

“What did I do? I just got here.”

“You carelessly opened the door when you came in, and Fabio nearly got hurt.”

“No, I caught him, so nothing happened. And that doesn’t explain why he’s so pale…”

“That’s your fault as well.”

“Excuse me?”

“Aren’t you aware of the Saint’s warnings? Fabio has a hard time with the baptismal names we’ve been given.”

“All I know is that he can’t say those names out loud…”

“Managed to mess that up pretty badly despite knowing that, didn’t you? Ridiculous. He’s uncomfortable because you called me by my baptismal name.”


“From now on in front of Fabio, call me Adna. Understood, Sixth?”


The Sixth Apostle rubbed his temples, looking exasperated before launching another question.

“Fine. Fifth. So you’re saying his terror’s rooted in the name debacle… But what exactly were you doing?” He sounded pretty irritated as he asked, “What’s with the battlefield look of this place? Or did the new Watched One ask to see a divine power explosion?”

“No, I was simply venting out a bit of energy to stabilize my emotional state.”

“And those emotions were?”

Probably the urge to wring my neck…

Adna’s eyes landed on me, emotionless and unsettling like a porcelain doll’s gaze.


Adna started to speak but then shut her mouth again.



“What are you even saying?”



Even though Adna didn’t say a word, the sixth Apostle’s face was a rollercoaster of emotions.

Are they communicating telepathically?

Apostles have the ability to communicate without speaking…

What could they be discussing?

Maybe it’s something along the lines of: How dare this ignorant peasant annoy me with his nonsense.

I should’ve stayed on the safe side, but no, I had to go and shoot myself in the foot…

I felt immense regret in my heart.

“No, wait…” The Sixth Apostle sounded utterly baffled.


“…What in the realms have you decided all by yourself?”

What did they decide? My execution?

The contrast between Adna’s silence and the Sixth Apostle’s sparse, yet fiery words was sending my anxiety through the roof.

“No… uh… you should go see the Saint for now.”


“What… Fine, I understand.”

After their wordless exchange, Adna finally turned to me.

“Fabio, I need to step out for a moment, the Saint has requested my presence.”

“Oh, I see.”

“…I won’t keep you waiting long.”

Don’t you dare forget about me. Is that the subtext here?

That’s a bit terrifying.

Even when she was livid, she only scared me, so I don’t think she’d actually harm me…

But just the thought of her staring at me for hours is enough to give me nightmares.

Still, I felt a wave of relief wash over me, realizing I wasn’t being hauled off to the Saint for questioning and scolding.

It seems touching her hand isn’t considered a capital crime or anything…

I sneaked a peek at the Sixth Apostle’s face.

What did Adna say to him to make him look like he’s eaten a lemon?

It looked like he was Adna’s close friend before he joined the Apostle ranks, given how casually he talks to her.

I mulled over the situation.

…A cool, distant beauty who’s a walking disaster, with a childhood friend always in tow to clean up her messes.

In stories like this, the childhood friend usually harbors one of two feelings towards the icy beauty.

Unspoken love or the exasperation of dealing with a troublesome younger sister.

Maybe it’s a mix of both.

He probably views her as a burdensome sister but deep down, there’s a one-sided crush…

No matter his feelings, he likely sees me as an annoying nuisance who jumped into the middle of their drama.

I could feel his gaze on me, heavy with annoyance.

I’ve got to clear this up… it was all just one big misunderstanding!


  1. the man, the myth, the legend: mc has done it again. translator, you werent wrong about the crazies starting to stack up!!

  2. I love how this playing out, he’s just gathering a Harem without even realizing it. Thanks so much for the translation, it’s so well done and I appreciate each and every new update ❤️

  3. he’s converting them to “fabio protection squad” cult 😭😭😭 congratulating mc to his ingenious way of becoming a cult leader 🎉

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