Rise of the OtherGod Apostle: Not a Cult Leader, but a Serf?!
Objectively speaking, ‘Fabio’ was nothing special. He’s got a zest for learning that’s a bit unusual for a serf, sure, but it’s not like he’s dropping groundbreaking modern insights left and right…
His standout trait? Probably his zen-like meditation skills, which is pretty rare in this uncivilized medieval era.
But does that make him a [Watched One], destined for greatness? Not really…
It seems there’s this misconception floating around that if you’re a [Watched One], you’re automatically some sort of prodigy.
This kind of assumption is like falling for the representativeness heuristic trap.1T/N: “Representativeness heuristic” is a cognitive bias where people make decisions based on how similar something is to a typical case, in this case, associating all ‘Watched Over’ individuals as special.
It’s like assuming everyone who represents their country in sports is a world-famous athlete just because you’ve seen previous medal winners.
But let’s be honest, in a tiny country with a population smaller than a stadium, being a national rep isn’t the same as being a representative in a larger country. There are many ‘national representatives’ who participate but don’t stand a chance at winning a medal.
So, ‘Fabio’ is more cut out for behind the scenes work than being some chosen hero. Even considering him for something basic like a baptism doesn’t seem worth it, given his lackluster stats.
In the world of Conclude, it’s not like an RPG where you level up by grinding. So the beginning selected traits and stats are crucial.
And ‘Fabio’, with no standout talents, is pretty much just an ordinary person – or at the very least, a bastard unworthy of rebirth even after being devoured by Mother God.
In any case, if there is a [Watched One], it’s definitely not me.
If the Order expects something amazing from me, they’re in for a letdown.
“… There are certainly people like that. Even someone like me, who is unable to sense divine power, can’t help but recognize the exceptional aura of Saint Pell and Apostle Adna.”
At that, Adna stared at me like I’d sprouted another head.
“…You think there’s something special about me?”
“Er, about you…”
“Fabio, we’ve barely spoken, and you’ve not witnessed me in a fight or heard about my achievements. You’re basing your conclusion solely on your first impression, my appearance. So, what is it about me that intrigues you?”
Ever considered looking in a mirror?
Constantly being around the Saint has probably warped your standards of beauty.
Imagine if this were some gacha game.2T/N: “Gacha game” refers to a type of online game mechanic where players spend virtual currency to get a random assortment of virtual items. The moment an announcement about his SSR-ranked3T/N: “SSR-ranked” refers to a high “Super Super Rare” ranking used in gacha games for particularly excellent characters. It is used here to rate Apostle Pell’s looks. appearance came out, the player base would go nuts just to get a glimpse.
“Well, since I’ve been blessed by a Being outside of the Order and can’t even perceive divine power, I can’t really tell what others see when they look at you, Apostle Adna…”
I hesitated a bit, playing up the shyness.
“To me, Adna, you appear… radiantly beautiful.”
“… What?”
“I may just be an ignorant person, but when I saw you, I couldn’t help but think that someone so breathtaking must surely be tasked by the Lord with a divine mission.”
In most stories, key characters are always given standout looks. So, a character with an eye-catching design is usually a big deal.
“You… think I’m beautiful?”
It’s almost comical how oblivious Apostles can be.
“Yes, I do. Haven’t you heard that before?”
“… Before becoming an Apostle, never.”
“Really? What do people usually say when they see you, Adna?”
“Most of the time, they tell me I look stern or that I’m hard to read.”
Who would even say that to a person…
Maybe the art of ‘sugarcoating words’ hasn’t been invented in this savage medieval world yet?
“You don’t find me… unpleasant?” Adna asked.
This question sounds like it’s straight out of a high school drama, not from a real-life beauty.
Almost feels like a cheesy moment from a romance visual novel…
Of course, I know very well that this world isn’t a visual novel.
Sweet words might boost empathy, but they don’t make a beautiful woman fall for you overnight.
And I’m kinda glad it’s not that way.
In a visual novel, you have to be careful with affection meters; too much too fast can lead to disaster.
Choosing to invest affection in just one character isn’t always safe either.
There’s no telling whether the “true ending” with a character will be a dream come true or a devastating Merry Bad Ending.4T/N: In romance visual novels, a “merry bad ending” is a unique type of conclusion that combines elements of both a happy and a bad ending. For example, in a “merry bad ending,” the main character might end up with their love interest, but under circumstances that are not entirely ideal or even somewhat tragic. The “merry” part implies some level of happiness or fulfillment, while “bad” suggests that not everything has turned out optimally or that there are bittersweet elements to the conclusion.
In a world without save points, how can I risk everything on just one person?
Better to take things slow.
“Unpleasant? Quite the opposite, I actually envy you!”
“Envy me?”
“Yes. No matter how scary or tough the situation is, you always look so composed, Adna.”
Having a poker face is a real advantage, right?
It’s not just about being good at poker. It also saves you from those cringe-worthy memories that keep you up at night.
“For example… If you were in my situation just now, you wouldn’t have broken down into tears as I did.”
“… And how would that be advantageous?”
“Well, because I didn’t want to cry, but couldn’t help it.”
“That’s what made it more genuine,” Adna responded, her expression unreadable as ever.
“If you had felt terror but managed to mask it, would the Saint have comforted you so gently? Would he have been so quick to declare your innocence? Fabio, showing your true emotions then was actually the best decision for you.”
So, she’s basically saying my blubbering confirmed I’m no scumbag…
“My emotions aren’t something I deliberately hide, but expressing them has always been a challenge for me. If sadness overwhelms me to the point I want to cry, my tears stubbornly refuse to come. It’s not something to be envious of.”
Adna’s words, laced with a stark truth, made me realize I’d stepped into sensitive territory.
I’ve really messed up now.
It wasn’t just a mere insecurity for her; she viewed it as a significant disability.
Bet she’s not too thrilled with me right now. I can see the affection levels dropping already.
It’s one thing to reassure someone self-conscious about their height, saying, ‘Your height is actually quite striking, I envy it!’
But comforting someone missing a limb by saying, ‘There must be perks to having one arm, right? Like being more lightweight! I envy that!’…
Talk about a Legendary blunder on my part….
“Also, the impact of your words diminishes when your face shows no emotion, no matter how eloquent you are. So, please don’t fabricate advantages for me for the sake of comfort.”
“I wasn’t making it up! I meant it…”
Damn! Okay, big brain, time to work overtime. Generate a good idea quickly!
Failing to justify my comment could make me look like a thoughtless punk who speaks without considering the impact.
Think, think, think… benefits of a poker face…
Feigning hurt, I scrambled for time.
“I understand. Unlike an Apostle, I’m constantly under scrutiny from a Being beyond the stars. I need to constantly demonstrate my loyalty to the Order. So, being open and transparent is beneficial for me.”
“No, that’s not what I was trying to say….”
“But if my situation were different, if I could join the Order… I’d still genuinely envy you, Adna.”
“… Why?”
I paused before responding.
“No matter how challenging or intimidating the situation, Apostle Adna, you remain unaffected!”
“… Is that supposed to be a good thing?”
“Absolutely! Particularly, because you’re known as The Unbreakable Iron Wall. Isn’t your steadfastness crucial during sieges, standing firm against enemy attacks?”
“… I suppose.”
“But just imagine someone like me, who can’t hide their emotions, trying to lead. My crestfallen face alone would destroy the morale of my soldiers. And our enemies? They’d see my dismay and grow even more confident in their attack.”
I didn’t give Adna a chance to interject.
“But you, Apostle Adna, your presence would change everything! In the toughest situations, your unwavering stance would be a ray of hope for our side!”
Time to sell this with all I’ve got!
“And for the enemy, seeing that you never falter, would be thrown off! Even if they were winning, they’d second-guess themselves, wondering if they’re falling into a trap or if we have some hidden trick up our sleeve.”
Let’s throw in a few more convincing sounding bits, even if I’m winging it.
It’s a tactic I’ve used when I’m unprepared: exude confidence, and people tend to buy into what you’re saying. They start thinking, Maybe I’m missing something? and give you the benefit of the doubt.
Though, if they think it over later, they’ll realize it was all just baseless nonsense…
“… You may be onto something.”
Wait, really?
“I’ve heard comments about my unchanging expression, even in defeat. It leaves people wondering if I have a hidden strategy.”
Adna mused, lost in thought as she touched her chin.
“In a battle where we can’t afford to lose, such a demeanor could indeed be an asset.”
Did my shot in the dark actually hit the mark?
“Yes! Exactly! The mightiest shield might withstand many blows, but even the strongest shows wear. The most formidable shield is one whose cracks remain hidden until the very end.”
“Is that so…”
“People cling to even the slightest glimmer of hope, and it’s that hope that drives them. But you, Apostle Adna, you don’t offer fragile hope; you are the unbreakable wall, the steadfast guardian who demoralizes our foes!”
“…Still, I don’t feel worthy to be described in such a lofty manner.”
“What? No way! You’ve been named The Unbreakable Iron Wall by the Lord himself! He sees your potential, far beyond what we can perceive! In the Lord’s eyes, you’re more than capable of living up to that title!”
The ultimate counter for fanatics: Accuse them of blasphemy if they argue!
“Right, guardianship really stands out in times of danger, doesn’t it? Maybe, Apostle Adna, you feel inadequate because there hasn’t been a need for you to step up. It’s not about your ability, but the peaceful times we’re in.”
Flipping the script here.
Heroes are born from chaos.
In other words: No chaos, no heroes.
It’s not that you’re less heroic, it’s just that the era is too calm for heroics!
“Who wouldn’t admire someone who remains a pillar of strength in the darkest, most desperate times?”
Adna looked at me, her expression unreadable.
Damn, her poker face is something else.
She’s so composed. But she could still be internally rolling her eyes.
Probably thinking, This guy’s a fool. Why doesn’t he just stop talking?
“Um, Apostle Adna?”
“… Why the need for envy? You are weak.”
“I beg your pardon?”
Her blunt response was so far removed from anything I had expected, leaving me momentarily speechless.
How did she jump from my compliment to calling me weak?
I was struggling to keep up with her logic.
I just expressed admiration for her [Expressionless] trait, which is indeed valuable for a guardian!
But her immediate comeback was to label me weak.
Weak people can’t be guardians!
So, wanting her [Expressionless] trait is pointless for someone like me. Is that her angle?
Or am I reading too much into this?
“But… is it wrong to envy someone?” I questioned.
“No, but you mustn’t covet something not meant for you.”
Adna placed her hands on my shoulders, her voice firm.
“…People like you shouldn’t chase illustrious dreams; be content with what you were born into.”
Her stinging comments shocked me.
That’s right… this world is all about class hierarchy…
Born a peasant, forever a peasant?
So, dreaming of being a warrior means upsetting societal balance?
Is that her point?
“You can’t be like me, nor should you try to be.”
Well, yeah. Our value on the unit scale alone would be a hundred times apart.
Of course, it didn’t bother me that they viewed Fabio as incompetent.
With great power comes great responsibility, right?
In other words, it’s okay to not fight if you’re weak.
I have no desire to gear up for battle in this crazy era where people fight with cold weapons instead of guns. Not even a tiny bit. Nope!
It’s pretty obvious why by just looking at the main protagonist.
Athanas, in the game, was always drenched in blood.
When you’re slicing through flesh and bone, blood is an inevitable mess. In the game, a lethal blow meant a dramatic splash of blood across the screen – a shockingly realistic setting…
But at least in a game, you can tone down the graphic violence. Real life, though, is a different story…
You’d not only see the bright red of blood but also smell its unique scent and feel its warmth.
Just the thought makes my stomach turn.
However, since I’ve shaped ‘Fabio’ to be a ‘simple serf with a thirst for knowledge (and a secret admiration for paladins),’ I feigned distress. Agreeing too easily would break character.
“But… if I settle for mediocrity, won’t I remain forever weak and ignorant?”
“What’s wrong with that?”
What did she just say?
“Why this obsession with becoming powerful?”
“Isn’t it… better to be strong? You can do so much more…”
“And what exactly would you do with that power?”
Her grip on my shoulders tightened.
“I-I don’t have any specific plans…”
That’s when it hit me.
Oh right, I’m seen as a heretical bastard here.
My aspirations were akin to a suspect telling an intelligence agent, “I admire your marksmanship, I wish I could shoot like that.”
“I just want to help more people…”
“If only I could fend off wild beasts from my fields! If I were stronger, I could cultivate more land….”
Adna gazed at me with unblinking eyes.
No wonder people find her expression unpleasant.
“There are countless ways to be of service.”
“Even… being weak serves a purpose.”
“Is-is that so?”
“Without something to safeguard, a guardian cannot be called a guardian. So, even your weakness has its place.”
Wow, now she’s making up benefits out of nowhere. Just slinging anything out there.
It’s like telling a poor person that there’s an upside to poverty – is she trying to sell it as some sort of advantage?
“And at the Cathedral, we hardly have any wild animal intrusions. Even if they do wander in, that’s for the guards to handle, not you. Plus, we don’t have any fields for you to till.”
“Oh, I see. I’ve always been a farmer, so that was the first thing that came to mind…”
“So then, stop trying to change yourself.”
Adna’s warning made me gulp.
She’s basically saying a heretic bastard like me should count his blessings and live quietly as an unambitious dog. Got it.
thanks for chapter and for the hardwork i really like the story. i always silent reader but i think i must appreciate the TL for consecutive release ♥️
( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡
Thank you so much for the translation ❤ I am grateful for the hard work you put into each chapter. Always looking forward to releases! I tried mtl in ridi but I just got dizzy 😵💫
I feel like Fabio here is an unreliable narrator but its enjoyable to read what he thinks and maybe later we can see what others think of him
Lol Fabio really piled up the compliments~ Only to get reversed, I’m definitely going to enjoy how everything blows out of proportion with him at the helm.
I’d like to mention that “Mary Bad End” -> “Merry Bad End;” Merry as in cheerful because the conclusion for some storylines can be perceived as a happy ending for the featured people involved, and they’re typically unhinged from the audiences perspective.
Thanks! Corrected ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
he’s misunderstanding something here and i just know it. also, has mc ever worked in customer service? he’ll legit prosper in the industry lol