Rise of the OtherGod Apostle: Not a Cult Leader, but a Serf?!
T/N: ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ
Isn’t it every gamer’s mission to conquer the unbeaten path?
So why did I keep choosing the path of sorrow? Well, through trial and error, I discovered that unhappiness was the only way to extend my playtime with Hapenesus.
[Hapenesus: Give me an answer.]
[Hapenesus: Why did you keep faith in me, even as you rejected happiness?]
If I just say it was all for the game, this conversation will probably end right here.
Conclude’s AI has gotten so advanced that careless inputs can have weird unintended consequences. Like, if you simply say “shoes are dirty, take them off indoors,” you might later find some bizarre law that says, “Sinner shoemakers will be punished for creating filthy shoes!” The NPCs develop this strange logic such as: The Apostle said shoes are unclean -> God hates shoes -> So God must hate the shoemakers too.
So yeah, the AI will likely understand whatever I say to Hapenesus now. The conversation will be over quick if I just say “lol did it for fun”.
But there’s so little known about the nature of Hapenesus as an Othergod.
In the game, talking directly to an Othergod requires a massive amount of faith, and no one’s ever accumulated enough faith points with Hapenesus before.
This might be the first time anyone’s communicated with Hapenesus.
I felt like I couldn’t pass up the opportunity.
[Happy War Evangelist: Let me ask you a question instead.]
[Happy War Evangelist: Hapenesus, why do you insist on bestowing ‘happiness’ on people?]
I’ve always been curious about Hapenesus’s true motives. Especially why they unleash the worst status condition, [HappyHappy], on our most essential units.
When a unit is struck with [HappyHappy], they become completely unresponsive, as if the game is experiencing a severe lag spike. Communication is impossible, and no miracle can cure them. Since its cause remains a mystery, we can’t prevent it.
The forums are full of players raging about how Hapenesus makes the game unbeatable. How are you supposed to keep playing when your units randomly become useless?
Several theories have emerged, attempting to explain on Hapenesus’s seemingly self-destructive behavior.
The ‘Trojan Horse’ theory proposes that Hapenesus is an artificial Othergod, created by the Order to diminish the number of believers.
Another popular theory, the ‘Personality Disaster’, suggests that Hapenesus’s ‘Happy Happy’ title is a reflection of their own selfish happiness, taking pleasure in seeing others become useless.
The ‘Communication Error’ theory believes that Hapenesus never intended to form contracts or cause abnormal states in people, but rather, it was the result of human carelessness in establishing unintended connections with them.
The ‘Mad Scientist’ theory entertains the idea that the entire ordeal is an elaborate experiment, designed to test the limits of a contract-maker’s perseverance in the face of an absurd contract.
And finally, the ‘Torment of Hope’ theory suggests that the game developers simply wished to create an enigmatic and unbeatable Othergod, forever taunting players with an impossible challenge.
With barely any info to go on, every crackpot theory has popped up.
Hapenesus’s response here could be the first official explanation.
My cursor hovered over the screenshot button.
Which theory will be right?
[Hapenesus: I am the God who governs happiness.]
[Hapenesus: The heart of one who feels happiness is like a prayer to me.]
[Hapenesus: However, in my eyes, those who have found happiness and those who desperately seek it are both pitiable beings.]
[Hapenesus: You will never attain eternal happiness. No matter how hard you strive, fleeting moments of incomplete happiness are all you’ll ever manage to grasp.]
[Hapenesus: Yet, your efforts to find happiness are truly beautiful.]
[Hapenesus: Thus, I elevate those who call upon me, bestowing them the blessing of complete happiness for as long as my reach allows.]
…So it was actually a well-intentioned blessing?!
I was horrified.
I mean, sure, there’s a saying that “pure goodness can be more terrifying than evil,” but…
How the hell is this a blessing?
There had been speculation among players that the [HappyHappy] effect might not be a status ailment, especially since blessings designed to cure all ‘damaging’ status effects failed to counter it.
However, most players remained convinced it really was a status ailment, and for good reason.
Just because an Othergod governs Plagues or Nightmares doesn’t mean their blessings automatically inflict disease or night terrors.
Blessings require an investment.
So why would anyone spend resources on something only to incur a loss?
Imagine you want to raise as many maggots as possible. Even if you don’t understand their thoughts or desires, you know what helps or harms them. You’d keep track of their numbers and ensure their survival.
Even the most unhinged drunk wouldn’t waste a drop of their precious liquor on maggots. Wouldn’t that be a double loss, losing both the alcohol and the maggots when they die from it?
But if you do find someone who sprinkles expensive whiskey on the maggots, and the maggots’ extinction would be a huge loss, and they’re still dousing the remaining few with whiskey… what other explanation could there be, except that they’re an incomprehensible madman?
So, I thought the ‘Torment of Hope’ was designed to make Hapenesus seem unfathomable.
In my opinion, everything—from the contract itself to turning the contractor into a mere puppet, and randomly inflicting severe status conditions on units while sparing enemies—was all part of a gimmick meant to amplify the sense of ‘unfairness.’ A twisted ploy to make players despair.
But actually…this entire bizarre action is just a distorted form of compassion for the poor maggots who’ve never experienced the joy of being drunk?
Genuine goodwill and affection for the maggots is the driving force behind all this chaos?
This has to be a joke.
I couldn’t wrap my head around it.
[Happy War Evangelist: Why do those experiencing ‘HappyHappy’ die without eating, drinking, or sleeping?]
Shouldn’t the blessed be able to enjoy the blessing for as long as possible? If it’s truly a blessing, shouldn’t Hapenesus’s influence grow naturally just by having the blessed around?
If the goal is to give these pitiful maggots the experience of being drunk, shouldn’t you at least make sure they can handle their liquor?
[Hapenesus: Those who have received my blessing are no longer tormented by hunger or thirst. Why then, would they seek to eat or drink?]
[Hapenesus: Through my blessing, they’ve ascended to a state of pure bliss, no longer suffering from the burdens of base desires that once anchored them to this lowly plane.]
[Hapenesus: True happiness should not be hindered by survival instincts.]
I was speechless.
It’s as if a compassionate butcher, having attained Buddha’s enlightenment that life is suffering, was now on a mission to mercifully end the lives of those still trapped in their harsh reality.
In a twisted way, it seemed oddly fitting for an Othergod to think like that.
But then, if they’re truly divine, shouldn’t they be capable of just obliterating all life with a snap of their finger, instantly ending all suffering?
Selectively killing people in dark alleys doesn’t make one a god—it makes them a serial killer.
And why specifically target those who are working the hardest?
[Happy War Evangelist: Perhaps you could change the criteria for your blessings?]
[Happy War Evangelist: For example, only those who truly believe in Hapenesus would experience ‘HappyHappy’ before they die…]
Now, at least, I understand Hapenesus’s motives and intentions.
Even if their methods are unsettling, if their core principle is indeed ‘benevolence’ and their ultimate goal is salvation…
Maybe we should go with the Maitreya Faith Meta.1T/N: Maitreya is a term from Buddhism, referring to a Buddha who will appear in the future, bringing teachings of pure dharma and achieving complete enlightenment.
Eschatology, the doctrine of the end times, often yields impressive results when it comes to attracting followers. It’s no wonder that real-world cults often preach about the apocalypse.2T/N: Eschatology is a part of theology, philosophy, and religious studies concerned with the final events in the history of the world or the ultimate destiny of humanity. This concept is commonly referred to as the “end of the world” or “end times”.
While the ‘Heugohaak’ philosophy, which promises salvation only for believers, has a stronger appeal, the ‘Maitreya Faith’ isn’t a bad option either. It teaches that universal enlightenment will occur at the end of days.3T/N: “Heugohaak” (흑하악) is a Korean phrase often used in online communities as internet slang. It’s an expressive term that’s used to show frustration, annoyance, or disappointment. So MC finds this type of philosophy disappointing.
On Doomsday, God will descend upon the earth, and everyone will experience true happiness.4T/N: Doomsday refers to a hypothetical future date or event when catastrophic or apocalyptic events will occur, leading to the end of the world or the destruction of life on Earth.
So, to expedite the arrival of Doomsday, followers must believe in, serve, and spread the word of Hapenesus.
By promoting the idea of the end times and staying dedicated, I believe we can reach a point where blessings are bestowed upon everyone.
If everyone enters the [HappyHappy] state, humanity would die off without food or water. But from a certain perspective, couldn’t that be considered a ‘happy ending’ in its own way?
Yet, Hapenesus rejected this straightforward path to salvation.
[Hapenesus: I do not demand payment for my blessings.]
[Hapenesus: Everyone who seeks happiness is equally deserving of my compassion.]
[Hapenesus: I will bestow blessings unconditionally to those who pray to me.]
At this point, my blood started to boil.
This kind of mentality is exactly why we can’t find a clear solution!
As I mentioned earlier, blessings come with a price tag.
If you pour all your resources into granting blessings without any thought for saving…
At its core, Conclude is a strategy game about managing a religious organization. Even the most righteous groups need funds to operate, and a growing organization demands investment.
How can an organization thrive if you recruit staff, let them generate income, and then blow all the profits on severance for any random employee before showing them the door?
[Happy War Evangelist: Isn’t the goal to spread ‘HappyHappy’ to as many people as possible?]
[Happy War Evangelist: Shouldn’t you expand your influence so more can experience this ‘HappyHappy’?]
I tried to explain why I believed blessings should have conditions attached and why we should be pushing the idea of the end times.
Just as I began to question if my argument was too convoluted for the AI, Hapenesus responded.
[Hapenesus: I cannot do that.]
[Hapenesus: Happiness that is not everlasting is nothing but a deception.]
[Hapenesus: Many often view happiness as a destination, but they are mistaken.]
[Hapenesus: Mortal beings are incapable of anchoring themselves in happiness. Thus, for them, happiness is an illusion. A tantalizing mirage that keeps lifeforms chasing endlessly.]
[Hapenesus: It is my sincere desire to save these pitiful beings from the grip of such delusions.]
[Hapenesus: And I shall do so not by replacing one illusion with another as a means of achieving dominion over them.]
[Hapenesus: Though I understand your intention, I won’t change.]
…This is a dead end.
After several more inquiries, Hapenesus’s resolute responses led me to a sobering conclusion.
Unless we change his core belief, clearing this game will always be impossible.
When there’s a clear objective, it’s possible to take a step back to make progress later or find an alternative route when faced with an obstacle.
However, if the goals are to ‘never back down’ or ‘never change course’, then you’re trapped the instant a hurdle appears.
That’s exactly Hapenesus’s position.
The very act of granting those blessings and maintaining that state is his ultimate purpose.
Why does Hapenesus bestow blessings? Simply because people seek them.
They reach out, and he instinctively responds. This simple interaction forms the foundation of his entire being.
Attempting to convince Hapenesus to resist this impulse, even for a brief moment, is a fool’s errand.
Hapenesus doesn’t require faith as a form of compensation.
Nor does he aspire to conquer the Dark Realm.
He doesn’t even have the ‘objective’ of saving as many souls as possible.
In his strange logic, postponing an immediate blessing for the sake of a greater goal is perceived as deception.
So, the bottom line is that Hapenesus, this sly bastard, has no intention of winning the game, yet he occupies a seat at the table.
[Hapenesus: I see that you wish to spread faith in me far and wide.]
[Hapenesus: Your goal is to immerse everyone in pure happiness without exception.]
…Okay, but shouldn’t that be your goal too?
As the God of happiness, shouldn’t you have at least that level of ambition? Am I right?
You’re not interested in world domination or anything? Then what was the point of making this contract?
[Hapenesus: However, the very idea of attaining happiness by achieving a goal is the greatest illusion and the root of all suffering.]
[Hapenesus: True happiness is unconditional. It is not something you can achieve by reaching a goal.]
[Hapenesus: My evangelist, you can bask in happiness without any effort.]
[Hapenesus: If you truly believe in me, let your journey to happiness begin with yourself.]
When a contractor reaches this state of ultimate happiness, they become incapable of action, quickly fading into oblivion.
So, it seems the true ending is to drop dead right after starting the game.
At least acknowledge that as a possible victory ending!
To say I’m frustrated would be an understatement.
Is it even possible for a game route to have no way to win? Especially when there are achievements like [Victory with Hapenesus]?
While other Gods are getting flashy, impressive updates, all Hapenesus gets is some backstory?
“This is just infuriating.”
Does admitting a route is unbeatable make it any less irritating? If there’s no way to win, then let’s make one.
[Happy War Evangelist: I refuse.]
[Happy War Evangelist: And to be clear, I never said I believed in Hapenesus to begin with.]
Love it
Thank you for the translation 🙂
getting interesting now, luv it 💗🫶