Rise of the OtherGod Apostle: Not a Cult Leader, but a Serf?!

#002Reader Mode

T/N: Enjoy~


“These lunatics have invaded here too, huh?”

While I was playing Conclude and browsing some strategy guides online, my face twisted in annoyance as I opened the game’s forum.

The usual suspects who always appear in places where Conclude players gather.

Known as ‘Mother God Fanatics’.

These are the players who obsess over only playing with [Mother Aelusia].

The fact that they’ve infiltrated even the strategy boards they used to scorn is just…

“I wish there was a strategy forum that banned these people…”

I sighed.

It’s always a mix of disbelief and horror every time I see them playing the game I love in such a disgusting way.

How can a well-written strategy post on Aelusia get downvoted like this?!

Is there anyone left who actually plays Mother Aelusia the right way?

I miss the days when people actually diligently studied Mother Aelusia’s strategies before these Mother God fanatics took over.

In Conclude, Mother Aelusia is one of the Othergods you can form a contract with. On the surface, she’s not particularly special. As an ‘Othergod’, she evolves and mutates by consuming life forms, using their data to create stronger units or enhance existing ones.

In a nutshell, she’s a cosmic space monster.

When Conclude was first released, most players used Mother Aelusia to figure out which life forms provided the most useful data and what combinations were the most effective. They’d even make charts and share their findings.

Back then, if you searched for Mother Aelusia, you’d find posts like “best ways to use this unit,” or “you should consume this creature for maximum benefit.”

But then, a game-changing strategy post appeared.

「 [Strategy/Tips: What Mother Aelusia strategies overlook]

Mother Aelusia holds deep religious significance, yet her importance is often overlooked. Motherism, or the religion centered around Mother Aelusia, possesses the essential elements that must exist in any faith: scriptures, symbols, prayers, and doctrines. However, these aspects are all secondary…

In religion, “what is pursued” is of the utmost importance.

If my goal is to reach the moon, then I am simply the finger pointing towards it.

Religions that resist reform face this very issue.

The finger, representing the doctrine at the time of its writing, may have initially pointed accurately at the moon.

But as the moon’s position shifts, the finger remains fixed.

Is such a religion not guiding its followers into oblivion?

Therefore, before focusing on the finger, we must consider what the moon represents.

What should a religion, and specifically Motherism, strive for?

The answer is quite simple and shared by nearly all faiths:


Agape, humanism, and compassion are all expressions of love, though its definition may vary slightly between religions.1T/N: “Agape” is a Greek term that refers to the highest form of love. It is a selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love, the kind of love that God has for his children

So, what is the most powerful form of love?

It is maternal love.

Its strength is so immense that some religions even prohibit their followers from having children.

Compared to a mother’s love, other forms of love seem trivial.

A person might starve themselves to feed a neighbor, but can anyone imagine a parent starving their own child to feed another?

Such an individual couldn’t possibly exist, but if one did, they would be considered the worst of humanity.

Being human, it’s inherent in our nature to love our own children above all else.

Cherishing all living beings as one’s own children is a nearly impossible feat.

Unless you are Mother Aelusia, the Mother Goddess.

Anyone who has played Conclude will know.

Aelusia is the Goddess capable of becoming the Mother to all creatures.

Thus, she alone can govern the world with impartial maternal love.

In contrast, consider Roklem, the vicious Order extremist who reacts violently to even the slightest transgression of his rules.

At best, he is a God of Order residing at the far end of intolerance, showing no mercy to anyone who violates his decrees, not even his most dedicated followers.

He knows nothing of love.

Which explains why the Dark Realm under his rule is such a miserable place.

Doesn’t Aelusia, with her ability to love all life as her own, stand in stark contrast?

For world peace to prevail, Aelusia should be the ruling God.

However, there is a problem.

Love is a downward gift, and no matter how much a mother showers her child with affection, the child has the freedom to reject that love.

This is especially true for the unfortunate souls treated like Pavlov’s dogs by the Order, who struggle to accept love due to their harsh environment and often develop abnormal attachment behaviors.2T/N: “Pavlov’s dogs“ refers to an experiment conducted by Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Pavlov conditioned dogs to associate the sound of a bell with being fed. After repeated pairings of the bell and food, the dogs began to salivate just at the sound of the bell, even when no food was presented. This experiment is often cited as one of the foundational studies in the field of classical conditioning, a type of associative learning. The term “Pavlov’s dogs” is now often used metaphorically to describe someone who reflexively responds to a trigger, much like the dogs in Pavlov’s experiment.

Reminiscent of Ceaușescu’s children.3T/N: “Ceaușescu’s children” refers to the children who lived during Nicolae Ceaușescu’s reign. He was the communist dictator of Romania from 1965 until 1989. During his regime, he implemented strict and oppressive policies, one of which was a ban on contraception and abortion to increase the Romanian population. This led to a significant increase in the number of children being abandoned and placed in state-run orphanages, where conditions were often appalling. The children in these orphanages suffered severe neglect and abuse, leading to physical, emotional, and developmental problems. The term is being used here metaphorically to describe individuals who have been psychologically damaged due to abusive or neglectful environments.

So how should we deal with these depraved deviants of the Order?

We must first understand why they come into existence.

When does a person become a deviant?

At five years old? At 18 months when they start talking back?

No, it is from the moment they are born.

As soon as the umbilical cord is severed, the child becomes a separate entity, a stranger.

A fetus cannot reject the oxygen and nutrients delivered through the umbilical cord. It has no choice but to accept them.

The same principle applies to love.

By now, you may have guessed the conclusion.

The best way for everyone to accept Mother Aelusia’s maternal love is…

If everyone remains unborn.

With this profound understanding, I have transformed the Dark Realm into a sanctuary where Maternal love reigns supreme, enduring for all eternity.

Take a moment to gaze at the happiness that surrounds you.

In this heavenly paradise, which is none other than the Mother’s nurturing womb, all beings are united as one… 」



ㄴ Damn, that’s not a picture of a womb.

ㄴ You devoured every living thing, you lunatic!

ㄴ You need professional help, seriously…

ㄴ Even the fanatics of the Order wouldn’t know what to do with you.

ㄴ If you get struck by divine punishment, you could power a generator with it.

ㄴ Ah, the ‘Big Mom’ strategy, huh?…

ㄴ Damn, just noticed the filename is ‘Wetopia.’

ㄴ This counts as a win too??

This ‘genuine madness‘ post sparked a wave of experimentation. People began experimenting with how far they could go with insane acts using Mother Aelusia and made a surprising discovery.

ㄴ It actually works?!

Players found that any strategy was possible with Mother Aelusia.

They created monsters with the strength of space beasts and used parasites to control existing life forms, devouring entire continents in a classic alien play. In an epidemic play, they consumed plague-infected people to create ‘super virus’ hosts in a somewhat grim gameplay twist. In a doppelganger play, they kidnapped influential nobles to obtain biological data and transformed their followers into identical appearances to replace them. Every conceivable strategy worked in the game.

Whether it’s due to cutting-edge AI scripting or the surprisingly plausible responses to even the most bizarre combinations, the game became a hot topic. It was as if every player had ignited their competitive spirits, all racing to come up with the most outrageous strategies.

During this trend, players with slightly different interests began to appear.

「 [Pro Tip) Must-read for Mother Aelusia players!]

If you consume a cat, you can attach cat ears and tails to all units produced or upgraded afterward! I’m off to forge a world dominated by cat-humans! 」


ㄴWhat’s the effect of attaching cat ears?

ㄴ(Original poster) Cuteness.

ㄴIt triggers a physical mutation trait, dinging your charm by -20 and making you the village outcast.

ㄴ(Original poster) Sigh, noobs… This just proves that the Dark Realm is populated by primitives. This is why you need to convert to an advanced extraterrestrial religion.

This trend was kickstarted by those who chose to play with Mother Aelusia. Players started focusing on aesthetics regardless of the attributes.

Exposing yourself as a follower of a Othergod invites persecution from the Order, so making any visible alterations to appearances were a significant hindrance to clear. But they didn’t care much about ‘strategy’.

「 [Thanks to the one who posted the tip!]

「I turned a captured heresy inquisitor into a nekomimi4T/N: Just google it LOL holy knight. 」


I turned a captured heresy inquisitor into a nekomimi holy knight.

ㄴ Woah, they’re still an inquisitor? How did you pull that off?

ㄴ Seriously, how did you manage to convert a heresy inquisitor? Even death doesn’t wash their brains. Even if they’re reborn, they go right back to their old ways.

ㄴ(Original poster) ? Convert? Who said anything about converting? If you’re into heresy, doesn’t that make you a heresy inquisitor too?

ㄴ So you locked them up in a dungeon to watch them change?

ㄴ(Original poster) No? I released them? A heresy inquisitor needs to hunt heresy to be a heresy inquisitor, right?

ㄴBro… why would you do that?

ㄴ(Original poster) Isn’t it natural for an honorable Order follower to want to see an elite heresy inquisitor, who can’t return to the Order because their body has been tainted by an Othergod, keep their noble will and become a wild nekomimi heretic inquisitor throwing “nyanya punches” everywhere?


ㄴ This guy’s lost it.

ㄴWow… you really need to be struck by divine lightning.

ㄴMay Roklem smite this abomination!

-ㄴHmm… I’m somewhat convinced. Let’s see where this goes.

ㄴHey Roklem! We’ve got another sinner in our midst!

I initially laughed off these antics as an amusing gag, a taste that was hard to fathom. A little misconduct in the game is something all seasoned players indulge in, after all.

But it didn’t take long to realize that these guys were dead serious.

「 [Conclude: Feels like a game crafted by audacious fans]

It’s a universe where anything and everything is possible.

It is feasible to create a goat-human hybrid. Just get the right gene ratio, whether it’s 9:1 goat to human or the other way around.

And yes, every single modification is illustrated in full detail.

They claim to have incorporated an AI illustration algorithm and the result looks startlingly realistic. 」

Photos of Goat-Human Hybrids:







ㄴPersonally, I’m vibing with 0307.

ㄴ It’s a goat, not just any animal, but it also looks so human…

ㄴ The last one is just basically a bipedal goat.

ㄴBut it apparently possesses human intelligence and can even communicate!

ㄴ So what’s the big deal? Is this some sort of farm-infiltration strategy?

-I wonder if it could pass the Harkness Test5T/N: “Harkness Test” an internet meme, named after the pansexual character Jack Harkness from Doctor Who, used to check if proper consent has been given before engaging in sexual relations with non-human entities.


ㄴ Incredible how AI has advanced so far. No need for commissioned art anymore!

ㄴWeird players keep showing up…Please, go back to your spawn point.

「 [This will drive MotherGod fanatics absolutely nuts…]

Some folks get turned on by this stuff. Different strokes for different folks, I guess… 」



ㄴ Reported, check the notice board.

ㄴ(OP) What’s wrong with this post?

ㄴ “Explicit content is prohibited/The post distorts game content to provoke reactions.” Looks like you’ve hit two violations.

ㄴ(OP) Where’s the explicit content? I’m just saying some people find even a cockroach arousing. LOL. Did it do something for you? Scary…

ㄴWow, can’t believe someone flagged this as explicit. That’s hilarious!

ㄴ(OP) Submitting a counter-report for misuse of the reporting system. Cheers.

ㄴDamn it!

[There’s a game where you can become a lewd religious leader and have your way with everyone? Wow…]


ㄴWow, Conclude really is legendary.

ㄴHow does a game this outrageous even exist?

ㄴHow did this get past the rating board? It’s clearly 18+ only.

ㄴConclude isn’t that kind of game, buzz off.

ㄴ(OP) ????

ㄴ(OP) Lewd: Morally deranged and chaotic.  If being a heretical leader doesn’t fit that description, then what does? Maybe you’re confusing it with “erotic”??

ㄴStop talking nonsense. If that’s true then what do you mean by “have your way with”?

ㄴEver heard of a territorial conquest? Strategy games are all about conquering territories. If that concept gives you erotic vibes, you seriously need to unplug from the internet. Your prefrontal cortex must’ve melted away by now.

ㄴConclude was never officially released in Korea. It only has an unofficial Korean patch, so it never actually went through the rating board.

ㄴLOL, but isn’t it true that the leader in the game can have their way with everyone, even if it’s about consuming power, not people?

ㄴLeader: Nom nom nom nom, gulp gulp gulp gulp.

ㄴThis is so realistic, it’s unsettling…

-ㄴAh, damn it!

[My leader, you’re too hot to handle. I might just melt. ♡]



ㄴI’m actually melting, this is crazy.


ㄴYou’re out of your mind, LOL! How do you even think of this stuff?

ㄴ Ah… Damn it, damn it, damn it!

Dirty players exist in every game community.

But it becomes a problem when those dirty players become the majority.

Even posting regular, data-driven strategy guides results in a flood of dislikes and mocking comments like, You’re turned on by cockroaches? Ugh!

「 [Conclude’s image has been trashed by these lunatics.]

Damn it! Conclude is a strategy game, you know!

Now I can’t even play Conclude at PC cafes because of you all! 」


ㄴYou… you actually play that game?

ㄴ Just do it with pride, what’s there to be ashamed of?

ㄴ What’s normal? Enjoying a relationship with someone you’re attracted to VS plunging the world into chaos, offering human sacrifices, cannibalism, and brainwashing people? Is this even a question?

ㄴ(OP) Damn it!  In a world of one-eyed people, the guy with two eyes is treated like a fool. What a joke. Sigh… I guess it’s time for me to leave.

ㄴTwo… eyes?

ㄴWow, your taste is hardcore. No wonder you’re unsatisfied here.

After reading the last comment, I finally let go of my lingering attachments and clicked the《Leave》button without a second thought.

I had a strategy guide I wanted to post, but I just couldn’t stand interacting with these people anymore.

“Ah, Damn it! I swear I’ll never search up Conclude again.”

I had made up my mind.

But now I’m thinking I shouldn’t have.

At the very least, when I came across a new choice, I should have looked it up just once.


  1. the nekomimi heresy inquisitor situation, reminds me of an arc from “strategy to capture that scum gong” HAHAHA, but damn the comedy in this novels top tier TYT

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