Illusion Hunter in Another World

This the cover art depicting the online Korean novel: Illusion Hunter in Another World

Alternative Name: The Hunter of the Other World Who is Being Misunderstood
Author(s): Dae-Daewon
Genre(s): Comedy, Modern Fantasy, Adventure
Type: Web Novel (KR)
Release Rate: 2 Chapters Per Week
Status: OnGoing


Is there anyone who hates money?

I love it, for one.

Whether it’s on Earth or back in my hometown, money’s always had a sort of
magic to it.

People can’t live without it, so I’ve always worked hard to earn it.

However, as I relentlessly pursued money, fame followed me at some point.

Wealth is the proof of success, after all.


I have a small secret.

The truth is, making money from this damn hunter job was pure coincidence.

I didn’t get here because of my abilities, as these people think…It was dumb
luck and a bit of bluffing that brought me this far.


To say it bluntly, I’m a fraud.

I wanted to clear up the misunderstanding if I could.

But too many irreversible things have already happened.

What would happen if it were revealed that I’m actually on the same level as
an F-class?

Either way, I’m doomed, regardless of what tomorrow’s headlines say.


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