It seems like I’ve managed to paint myself as the bad guy in Adna’s eyes due to a split-second lapse in judgment, and I definitely can’t afford to let the other Apostles think the same of me.
In the world of subtle cues and hidden meanings, saying “don’t change” often sounds like a veiled “you’re just fine as you are.” So when Adna says that with her hands on my shoulders, even the most clueless bastard would know that it’s a warning.
Objectively speaking, ‘Fabio’ was nothing special. He’s got a zest for learning that’s a bit unusual for a serf, sure, but it’s not like he’s dropping groundbreaking modern insights left and right…
“Fabio, you possess a unique mental barrier that even the blessings of the Holy Maiden can’t breach. Additionally, your unique constitution prevents you from detecting any divine power.”
“Ah, there’s one more thing,” Apostle Adna interjected. “Fabio, you mentioned that all you remember is your name, correct?”
Her words put me on edge once again. It was as if she could tell I had lied before...
I couldn’t help but wonder if the game’s portrayal of the Order was deliberately altered. It didn’t make sense that the Church of Order, known for its savage nature, was behaving differently.
“What glimpses did you catch within him?”
The moment Fabio and the fifth Apostle exited, Casimir was the first to break the lingering silence.
“Would you believe me if I admitted that I saw... absolutely nothing?”
But here, I’m known as ‘Fabio.’ Even though people see Fabio as a bit of a country bumpkin without much education, it doesn’t really get under my skin.
“So, that woman, or should I say, that Apostle is...”
“Apostle Ada is the fifth Apostle, known as the Paladin of the Sword of Atonement,” the Holy Maiden (male) explained.
“...Is there something wrong with my name?”
I snapped back to reality when the Saintess asked me that question.
“Oh, no! I was just wondering if it’s okay for me to say the name of a Saintess...”
Anyway, this trait is basically hardwired into me; it’s not going anywhere, no matter how hard you try to remove it.
Should I consider this to be some kind of divine mark on my soul or something?
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