Of course, there are players who have switched sides and joined the Order! The Church of Order is always one step ahead, fully prepared for anything! The game was over before it even began! Order will always prevail!
Athanas always seemed to keep to himself, never really trying to make friends. You’d think that would make him an easy target for players, but somehow these guys just left him alone, even when he was at his loneliest and desperate for someone to talk to.
But what the hell is this bastard thinking of doing to someone has (mistakenly believed) an allergy to divine power?
Is he seriously planning to test if there’s a specific type of blessing that causes allergies…?
What if it causes a huge problem?
“Well, if that’s the case, what should I do? I am ignorant and foolish, so I’ll do as you say, Mr. Ter.”
“...You’re just going to do as I say without question? Without your own thoughts and judgment?”
Isn’t that what faith is all about? Just going with it? Blind obedience?
Anyway, the important thing on my to-do list today is lunch with Mr. Tartar Sauce - that’s my nickname for Tertius, the 6th Apostle. This guy has the unique ability of seeing emotions in color and he’s not exactly subtle about his crush on Adna.
Getting scolded for not knowing something they never bothered to teach me was pretty annoying.
Still, I managed to keep my cool on the outside, putting on the act of a serf too intimidated to show any annoyance.
On my third day at the Order, I was curious about something that happened yesterday. While Elamin was helping me with my fascia, I decided to bring it up.
“Excuse me, do you have a moment? There’s something I’d like to discuss with you...”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t.”
I bowed my head slightly, trying to get around the guy with the melona hair who was blocking my path, but he stepped right in front of me again.
“Could it be the keeper of the treasury god, Horeum?”
“Or perhaps Ophia of Solace?”
His peers, buzzing with theories about families famous for their vast collections of ‘holy relics,’ turned their attention to Athanas.
Athanas had inadvertently overlooked a crucial detail in his plan.
He knew people loved revelations from ‘Valentin’ and wasted time gossiping about love and ruin, but he had no interest in such matters. He found the obsession with these love dramas to be a colossal waste of time.
Unfortunately, ‘Fabio’ wasn’t the type of trash who could just ignore someone who was pouring their heart out.
A character should be consistent in their actions.
Wouldn’t it be odd if the guy who always greeted the village bell ringer with respect suddenly started snubbing people the moment he stepped into the Order?
You didn’t realize you fell asleep?
Seriously, just how tired were you?
Or is waking up just not your strong suit?
This whole scene reminds me of that Athanas meme that took the internet by storm.
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