
The ‘quiet place’ Athanas took me to turned out to be a prayer room. I wondered if it was okay to have casual conversations in a sacred space like this, but as soon as I stepped inside, those thoughts vanished. “Why is there a bed in the prayer room...” I asked, staring at the huge, comfy-looking bed taking up half the room. This wasn’t some little cot for power naps - two people could easily sprawl out on this thing.


“There seems to be some kind of note inside.” Athanas fearlessly reached into the coffin and pulled out a piece of paper. Wait, [Retrograde] isn’t in there? Before I could even wrap my head around the situation, Athanas examined the note, his brow furrowed in concentration. “...There’s some strange information scribbled on it.”


“Deserves to crumble...” “The blame doesn’t lie with the person who buckled under the crushing pressure, but with those who foolishly dumped that weight on someone so unsuited for it. If a sage flees from the overwhelming burden of an entire village, is the chaos that follows really his fault? No, of course not!


“I have [Retrograde]. I was hiding it because you seemed afraid of me, but...” Fabio’s jaw dropped in shock. Then he suddenly smacked his forehead and let out a scream-like groan. “Aaargh! F*ck!” “Fabio?” “Retrograde! You had Retrograde all along! No wonder you were so calm!” “Fabio, right now...” “I knew I wasn’t going crazy! F*ck! I almost fell for your gaslighting!” “Time is...” “Wow, you crazy bastard!” “...You think I’m crazy?” “Of course you’re crazy! F*ck! Getting stabbed but enduring the pain just to get more information instead of turning back time - if that’s not crazy, then what is? Doesn’t it hurt like hell? Is it really worth suffering through this?”
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