
“Indeed, Antonio is truly a generous person.” I roughly grasped what had happened. Antonio must have known that I received a blessing not in accordance with the Order. Fearing that if I wandered near the Order’s altar without knowing anything, I might be branded as a heretic and face challenges.


The day I first entered Antonio’s house, I realized something: There are subtly expensive items everywhere. Though Antonio lived modestly and it wasn’t immediately obvious, there were several items that a lower-class clergyman like him shouldn’t typically possess.

Chapter 1

Is there anyone who hates money? I love it, for one. Whether it’s on Earth or back in my hometown, money’s always had a sort of magic to it. People can’t live without it, so I’ve always worked hard to earn it.


With a jolt, I found myself waking up in the Dark Realm. In other words, I had been plunged headfirst into a chaotic maelstrom of a medieval era, thick with religious fanaticism. The kicker? I wasn’t standing against this fervent horde — I was supposed to lead them.
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