Rise of the OtherGod Apostle: Not a Cult Leader, but a Serf?!

#031Reader Mode


Isn’t this enough for you?

What more do you want from me? That I’ll fawn over you with gratitude for your grand insights? Well, that’s a no-go. I’ve still got a shred of dignity left.

That’s just not happening.

Kneeling is as far as I’ll go, got it?

“…Hey, could you please let go of my hand now?”

Finally, the master manipulator let go of my hand like it was on fire.

I felt a bit slighted, honestly. His reaction was as if he’d touched something vile. But then again, my feelings never really mattered in these situations.

Kneeling? Piece of cake. I’d do it a hundred and eight times if need be… this is nothing compared to pulling off the Wonsan raid posture.

I mean, compared to that, kneeling is easy. All you have to do is just look beaten, tremble slightly, and these annoying bastards usually back off.

Behold! My art of kneeling!

“Be careful!”

Just as I was about to demonstrate my masterful kneel, I was suddenly yanked up, left dangling in the most awkward way possible.


“Are you alright? No wait – that was a stupid question.”

“No, I’m…”

“We need to get a healing priest in here immediately…”


He’s thinking of calling in one of those maggot priests?

Is this his idea of psychological warfare now?

How could he even think of doing something so cruel?


The sixth Apostle squeezed his eyes shut, clearly frustrated.



“I can see how others are feeling.”

What now?

“So, while I might not know exactly what you’re thinking, I can at least pick up on your emotions.”

“If that’s true…”

So, he can see right through my act? If I fake my humiliation while actually thinking about what to have for dinner, he’d know?

No wonder he seemed so unimpressed earlier, almost agitated.

Back then, I was silently cursing him out and calling him every name in the book…

Wait, he didn’t catch on to that, did he? I’m screwed, aren’t I?

“Right now… you’re radiating with an incredibly bad mood.”

Seriously? Can’t even keep my thoughts to myself now?

The Dark Realm really is such a sh*t place.

“…You’re afraid of me, aren’t you?”

Finally, the sixth Apostle released me.

One moment I was dangling like a puppet, the next, I crumpled to the ground.

“Is there any way… I can make sure you’re really understanding what I’m saying and feeling?”

Watching the sixth Apostle’s puzzled expression, a new thought hit me.

…Could it be he wasn’t trying to gaslight me after all?

What if his intentions were genuine all along?

What if he wasn’t manipulating me, but genuinely concerned because he could see my unease? What if that… hug earlier was just a clumsy attempt to stop me from breaking down in tears?

Could it be that he’s just incredibly awkward at expressing how he feels?

For a man of the cloth, his communication skills are as clear as mud.

Shouldn’t he be giving soul-stirring sermons or something?

How does someone who can barely string two words together without causing a mess become an Apostle?

“If only I had the Blessing of Resonance… I’d be able to share my feelings directly.”

He sounds like someone who can’t text without emojis to save their life.

Blessing of Resonance, huh?… So they have supernatural shortcuts for emotional expression here.

So even if he’s terrible at speaking, as long as he throws in a blessing here and there, his intentions come across clearly and all is well?

…But isn’t that kind of terrifying when you think about it?

He’s so out of practice with normal conversations that he relies on blessings all the time. Wouldn’t that just erode his social skills?

Well, if you run into a really annoying person, just hit them with the blessing of comfort and they’ll calm right down… So what if it ruins your ability to talk?

Whether someone’s crying, angry, or scared out of their mind, the Blessing of Comfort can handle it.

Upset? Blessing of Comfort. Can’t get your point across? Blessing of Resonance. Stuck your foot in your mouth? Oblivion to the rescue…

And being an Apostle is like having a universal cheat code to make people like you.

So, are all these Apostle bastards just wandering around this world with their cheat-mode favorability settings cranked up to the max with everyone?

No wonder they’re completely hopeless at talking to people…

“…What are you thinking about?”

“Me? Oh, not a thing! Absolutely nothing disrespectful, not in the slightest!”

“I must’ve frightened you again, didn’t I.”

“No, not at all.”

“Be honest with me.”

Yeah, like I’m going to be honest in this situation, you nutcase.

“…I promise I won’t be angry, no matter what you say. Really, just tell me what’s on your mind.”

“Honestly…well, that’s…”

“I swear on Roklem. No matter what you reveal, I won’t harm you, directly or indirectly.”

I’m curious… Is he bound by his vows? Hard to say without any visual cues.

“If I break this oath, I will no longer be fit to serve as an Apostle.”


Is he really putting his Apostleship on the line here?

Is he out of his mind?

But that means he can’t be lying, right?



“I’m scared of you, Apostle.”

“I see.”

“When I didn’t know you could see emotions, I was just simply frightened… but now, I feel extremely uneasy and resentful.”


He’s just standing there. Silent as a statue.

“Especially when you keep refuting everything I say and insist I pour out my heart… I felt so overwhelmed that I almost cried out for the Saint to help me get away from you.”


“Since you are an Apostle of the Order, I tried to suppress my fear… but if I’m being completely honest, I’m still terrified and I really don’t want to be near you.”

“…I’m sorry.”

My harsh confession seemed to hit him hard. He just stood there, head bowed, not even attempting to argue with me. The sight of it left me feeling oddly empty.

He’s like a total introvert who can’t even look you in the eye without his phone as a crutch.

And here I was, almost letting my guard down with him.

“Right now, anything I say is probably won’t come across the way I intend… I’ll give you some space for now. But tell me, would you rather have the Saint here? Or anyone else?”

No, wait. This is just a weird moment, right? He’s off balance… But let’s not forget, this guy’s dangerous by nature.

I quickly gathered my thoughts.

I need to remember. This guy can read emotions and manipulate minds… a servant of the [God of Order and Punishment].

Right now, he’s treating me as a person because I’m labeled a protected individual, but the moment I’m categorized as a suspect, he could become more terrifying than the most ruthless agents of the KGB.

He doesn’t act out of loyalty to a nation, but out of fanaticism for a real-existing god…

The kind who’d walk calmly into his own demise. Imagine how ruthless he could be with others?

This is serious. He could actually torture someone until their bones turn to dust just to extract information.

Now was not the time to trust his vow and test how much he could really restrain himself.

“Why do you accept what I’m saying now?”


“When I said I was okay earlier, you pressured me to be truthful. But you instantly believe I’m scared of you?”


“Is it because you can see the fear in my emotions? So, when I say I’m fine, it’s a lie, but when I say you scare me, it’s true?”

Let’s shake his confidence a bit.

“Do you believe that words aligned with emotions are always true, and those that aren’t, false?”

I slowly got up, dusting off my clothes with a bit more drama than necessary.

The Sixth Apostle had this bewildered look on his face, like I’d just asked him to explain why fire is hot.

“Where do you think a person’s truth really lies? In their fleeting emotions or their deeper convictions?”


“Imagine someone with a severe skin disease. Your instinctive reaction is disgust, but you know showing it would be hurtful. You believe it’s unfair to judge someone for an illness, so you suppress your revulsion and treat them kindly. Does that mean their true intention is disgust?”

I didn’t even pause for his answer, just steamrolled ahead.

“Or what if someone feels green with envy over another’s success, but they swallow that bitterness and offer congratulations? Is that just a hollow gesture? Should they admit their envy, even if it eats them up inside? Even if they truly wish they could feel happy for the other person?”

Time to dismantle this whole ‘emotions equal truth’ idea.

“Would you call the first person a hypocrite and the second a jealous wretch? Is that fair? Isn’t it our ability to control those raw emotions with reason that brings us closer to who we truly are?”

I closed the gap between us.

As the sixth Apostle began to retreat, I reached out, seizing his wrist to stop him.

“Apostle, I despise myself for fearing a representative of the Lord.”


“I don’t want to feel this fear. I don’t want to be this strange outlier you can’t understand because I’m outside of the Order.”


“That’s why I kept insisting I was okay. Because I desperately want to be fine, to be someone better.”

Sincere feelings, sincere feelings, sincere feelings…

“Can’t you just take my word for it, even if it contradicts what I’m feeling? Believe that I’m trying to be honest?”

Please, fall for this~

I was pretty much desperate at this point.

Words are usually my playground, and I’m a pro at putting on a show. But if the sixth Apostle saw through this performance, knowing my thoughts usually run in the complete opposite direction, I’d be toast.

“I like you, Apostle. I’m not scared, and actually, I feel safer when you’re around.”

Yeah, right. Complete bullsh*t.

“If my words don’t sound genuine right now…could you please just give it some time? Until they become sincere?”

Get confused about whether this is the truth or just another bluff.

“See? I’m already doing a bit better, aren’t I? Or are my emotions still an unpleasant color?”

Honestly, I’m fine as long as I think of him as some dumb guy who doesn’t know how to communicate.

“I know you told me not to try too hard, but I believe that emotions and relationships take effort. So don’t give up on me. I’m going to try my best to actually be okay…”

“You are…”


The sixth Apostle gently covered his eyes with the hand that wasn’t being held by me.

“No, it’s nothing,” he said, although his expression told a different story.

“…You don’t look convinced.”

“It really is nothing,” he insisted.

“Did I… make you uncomfortable?”

“What? No, not at all…”

When he lowered his hand, our eyes locked, and I couldn’t help but flash him my most charming smile.

“Aren’t you embarrassed?”

“What… what do you mean?”

“You know, it feels kind of embarrassing when someone checks if they’ve upset you just by glancing at your expression or mood, right?”


“Does it make more sense now? That’s exactly how I felt earlier.”




Maybe I overstepped a bit?

Watching the sixth Apostle’s reaction, I had a moment of clarity.

He’s one of the top authorities in the Dark Realm, and I’m a heretic bastard (formerly a lowly serf) who lives at their mercy.

Joking around and getting friendly is only really acceptable among equals.

It reminds me of that scene from <Mr. Gireum>, where President Park gets ticked off over that love question.

“…Um, Sir? Mr. Apostle? Was I being too disrespectful just now?”


“If I was, I hope you can forgive me, just this once.”

“Did I seem upset?”

“If not, I’m sorry. I thought you might not have taken kindly to my humor…”

“No, not at all.”

But your words are kinda hollow.

“Then… what’s on your mind?”

“…What was I thinking about?”

“Since I can’t see emotions, I really have no idea how you’re feeling unless you tell me. I hope I didn’t upset you…”

The Apostle didn’t respond and just quietly looked down at me with those mint-colored eyes.

…Seems like he doesn’t think too poorly of me.

That’s the impression I’m getting, oddly enough.

Feelings are such a complex maze, aren’t they?

“…I was just thinking that you’re really an interesting person.”

Nailed it.

So I guess this level of joking is fine after all…

“Is that so? I’m glad I didn’t offend you.”

A mental note for the future.



“What should I call you, Mr. Apostle?”

“…Sixth Apostle is fine.”

“But that’s a bit…”

“No, my Apostle name literally means the sixth. Just go with that.”

“Then… what was your baptismal name? The one you got when you were born?”

“…It’s Tertius, which means third.”


“Is it okay if I call you by your baptismal name? It seems fine to say! Tertius… Tertius!”

Good thing his name is pretty normal.

A bit of a tongue twister, but manageable.

Not every Apostle has to have a strange name, it seems.

Well, they do serve under Roklem… These names must just be a coincidence.

“Just call me something shorter if it’s too long.”

“Then, can I call you Mr. Ter?”


His name felt like a bit much to remember, so I’m glad he’s okay with a nickname.

Tertius… It doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue.

I need to be careful, or I might end up calling him Tartaeus, Tirtaeus, or even Tartarus1T/N: “Tartarus” is a term from Greek mythology, originally referring to a deep, dark pit or abyss used as a dungeon of torment and suffering for the wicked and as the prison for the Titans. In mythology, Tartarus is located beneath the underworld and is often used to imply a place of extreme torment and punishment. It is associated with the concept of hell or a subterranean region of ultimate punishment, quite different from the more neutral realms of the afterlife like Hades. without realizing it.

If this was still a game, I’d probably just nickname him Tartar Sauce.

For us modern folks who can hardly remember three-syllable names without saving them in our phones, a five-syllable name is definitely pushing it.

T/N: No, the Apostle’s name isn’t normal (¬‿¬) Sextus is the Latin word for sixth. It’s standard abbreviation using Roman Numerals is VI is Sex. Since MC is Korean, he actually misses it this time Lol.

Wonsan Bombing Raid Posture is sometimes used to punish/drill draftees in Korean Military service:


  1. the author is sooo slick with the names its so funny. aren’t these names gifted by rocklem? it really paints a hilarious picture about the god if they are, even if its not intentional (on rocklem’s part)

  2. with how odd these apostles are, MC is giving them free conditioning before they interact with others.

  3. the gaslighter vs gaslighter: battle of the century part 2 has been won by our mc 🎉👏 also u srsly need to know what was mc’s previous life job was he a politician lmao

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