Rise of the OtherGod Apostle: Not a Cult Leader, but a Serf?!

#020Reader Mode

T/N: Thank you for the cup of coffee IrregularPerson! Double upload will happen today as promised.


“…Is there a problem with my name?”

I snapped out of my daze when the Saintess hit me with that question.

“Oh, no! I was just… wondering if it was proper for me to say the name of a Saintess….”

“I’ve already told you it’s okay, haven’t I?”

“Right, you did. Uh…”

I could feel the sweat starting to pour down my face, way more than before.

Who the f*ck names someone like that?

I mean, Saintesses are supposed to stay pure their whole lives, but…

I did my best to keep it together.

Maybe things are different here in the Dark Realm, but still…

“If it’s easier, you may call me Adna.”

“Yes, yes! Saintess Adna!”

Phew, dodged that one.

I wasn’t sure I could say her real name without cracking up laughing.

No wonder they never mentioned the Saintess’s name in the game.

It reminded me of how Cheok Jung-Yeong’s best friend was rarely brought up.1T/N: “Cheok Jung-Yeong” holds the esteemed title of Goryeo’s first Sword and is recognized as one of the most significant historical figures on the Korean Peninsula. A formidable fighter during the Joseon period, he unfortunately couldn’t navigate the treacherous political power struggles, leading to his frequent neglect and mistreatment. He found himself relegated to the status of a low-ranking soldier and was even unjustly imprisoned. For English speakers looking for a point of comparison, you could think of him as Korea’s own version of Zoro, but even more impressive. Fans of the popular web novel “Omniscient Reader” might recognize his name; he was one of the constellations eager to sponsor Kim Dokja. MC is referring here that the commentary from his best friend, Prince Gi, was removed when the book was transferred to Ridibooks. So, dude never got mentioned just like Ada here.

Cheok Jung-Yeong’s name means “One Who Knows Oneself,” a name usually for royalty. But then you have Ada for a Saintess…

Focus… It’s Adna. Her name is Adna.

I tried hard to keep my mind in check.

But each time I saw her, it got harder to keep a straight face with her name bouncing around in my brain.

“What’s your name, Sir Apostle?”

I had to look away to avoid losing it.

There’s no way his name could be weirder than the Saintess’.

But instead of answering, the Apostle threw me a curveball.

“Do I look like an Apostle to you?”

“Yes? Oh, aren’t you? Sorry about that!”

“No, you’re right. I do look like an Apostle. I just wanted to know why you thought so.”

Well, you and the Saintess have the same hair and clothes, so it wasn’t hard to guess.

“Since you’re dressed like the Saintess, who’s supposed to be the greatest among the Apostles, I just assumed you would be one too.”

“…Interesting. And how did you determine which one of us is the greatest?”

Well, the Saintess has to be a woman, right? So I figured she’d be the more important one.

Why is he being so intense about this?

Hold on a sec…

I took a closer look at the Apostle, who I’d initially pegged as a guy.

I mean, he’s tall and flat-chested, so…

But on closer inspection, he was actually pretty slender, almost like a runway model.

With those high-collared priestly robes they’re wearing, I couldn’t spot any Adam’s apples.

But his voice, it’s way too deep and husky for a woman.

Did I just mess up big time?

“…Your gender is?”

“I’m male.”

I knew it!

Then why did you have to make it so damn confusing?

“So, how did you figure out who’s more important between us?”

“I just assumed that since Saintess Adna is a woman, she must be the Saintess, right?”

“…I see.”

Why does he look so uncomfortable?

Maybe he’s tired of being mistaken for a woman and called ‘Saintess’ all the time?

Or is he uncomfortable because I knew he was a guy right away?

That can’t be. He’s a divine Apostle; there’s no way he’s some pervert who gets off on being mistaken for a woman.

“You asked for my name earlier, didn’t you?”

“Ah, yes.”

“My name is Pelagia.”2T/N: His name “펠라지오” (pronounced as ‘Pelazia’) may be funny to Korean speakers because it sounds similar to the term “Fellatio” which means oral sex on a man’s penis.

“Come again?”

“You may call me Pella if that’s easier.”3T/N: Pelagia trying to shorten his name to Pella or “펠라” in Korean is still a hilariously terrible nickname because it is Korean slang for “Sucking D*ck” Lol.


With a voice as smooth and deep as an announcer, the Apostle said his name again.


Now I get it.

This… is a trap.

It has to be.

A name like Adna? Sure, that’s believable. Written in English, it looks normal—Adna, Ada, those could be real names.

But Pelagia? Seriously?

And he’s offering to shorten it? Is this some sort of mind game?

This has to be a trap to see if I’ll laugh, revealing I’m Korean or something.

Clever, undeniably clever.

Looks like they’ve already caught some of the potential contractors, harassed them, prepared 99 ways to spot them after having tested this on them. Just my luck.

“So, that’s how it is…Pel…”


“Pel… Apostle.”

Damn, I’m so screwed.

I knew it was a trap, but I couldn’t help myself.

My poker face crumbled, and I bowed my head in defeat.

“…May I just call you Apostle Pell?”

It doesn’t matter. I’m going to be executed anyway. Keeping a straight face won’t change a thing.

Just make the burning at the stake quick and painless, please.

“…It doesn’t matter,” the Apostle finally said, the tone of his voice suggesting he had given up on tormenting me any further. The judgment must have already been decided.

I kept my head down, steeling myself for the inevitable death sentence that was coming my way.

“Raise your head.” It was Ada… no, Adna speaking. “Why did you want to come here?”

Yeah, that’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it? Why the hell did I think this was a good idea?

I probably would’ve lived longer as a lowly serf. What was I thinking, choosing this path?

“What were you hoping to find?”

Originally, I wanted protection. I thought Mother Aelusia wouldn’t be able to find me here.

But like a complete idiot, I forgot that I was just another insect, thinking I could avoid getting eaten alive by crawling up next to a bug zapper.

“…What are you so afraid of?”

Death, obviously.

[SYSTEM: Due to the effect of ‘The Whole World Is Beneath One’s Self,’ the status effect ‘Blessing of Comfort’ has been nullified.]

What the actual hell?

I snuck a glance to my right. The Apostle had placed his hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me.

If it didn’t work the first time, don’t keep trying.

I get that he means well, but at this point, it’s just getting on my nerves.

“…Why are you so certain of your death?” The Saintess asked, her eyes seeming to see right through my facade.

The accusation in her gaze was clear: ‘You can’t hide from your sins.’

I just wanted to get this whole thing over with and accept my fate.

“I couldn’t even receive the blessing the Apostle tried to give me,” I said, my voice resigned.

“Is that a sin?”

“…It’s proof that I’m an outsider to Order.”


Damn, what more do you want from me?

Isn’t this enough?

Enough with the interrogation already.

“…And I lied about the dream being a revelation.”

“Why did you lie?”

“Because I wanted to come to the Order before winter.”



I wanted to say it’s because I wanted to live.

But I couldn’t bring myself to say those words out loud.

It felt like admitting it would shatter the mental walls I had built up to protect myself.

“What are you so scared of?”

As those words left her lips, I could feel the tears welling up, my vision blurring as a tidal wave of anger and resentment crashed over me.

Ah shit.


[SYSTEM: Due to the effect of ‘The Whole World Is Beneath One’s Self,’ the status effect ‘Blessing of Comfort’ has been nullified.]

[SYSTEM: Due to the effect of ‘The Whole World Is Beneath One’s Self,’ the status effect ‘Blessing of Comfort’ has been nullified.]

[SYSTEM: Due to the effect of ‘The Whole World Is Beneath One’s Self,’ the status effect ‘Blessing of Comfort’ has been nullified.]

Damn, if you know it’s not working, why do you keep trying?!

It’s really pissing me off.

“If it’s difficult for you to speak about, don’t feel pressured to do so. The Lord understands even if you remain silent.”

The Saintess rose from her seat with the kind of grace that made me feel like a bumbling idiot in comparison. The Apostle followed her lead, standing up to his full, imposing height. The air in the room seemed to thicken, the tension so palpable you could cut it with a knife. And speaking of knives, the Apostle drew his sword, the magnificent blade glinting under the room’s dim lighting.

Saintess Adna, ever the helpful one, started explaining the sword’s significance. “This is the Holy Sword of Atonement. Forged and sanctified with sacred blessings, it brings unbearable pain to the sinner’s flesh and leaves the innocent untouched.”

So, it’s a beheading, not a good old-fashioned burning at the stake. Lovely.

“Commander Casimir, prepare him for what is to come.”

“…As you wish.”

Casimir took off my belt and bound my hands tightly behind the chair.

Wait, are they seriously about to execute me right here, right now?

I mean, I wanted them to get it over with, but these savage medieval bastards could at least have some goddamn decency!

An execution is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, so do it right! Put on a show! Set the mood with some ceremony! Give a guy some time to mentally prepare, for f*ck’s sake!

The moment that cold blade touched the back of my neck, a shiver ran down my spine.

The Apostle raised the sword high, and I braced myself, squeezing my eyes shut, waiting for the end.


But after what felt like an eternity, nothing happened.

What the hell?

Curiosity got the better of me, and I slowly cracked one eye open, only to find Casimir standing there with an amused look on her face.

“…What just happened?” I asked, my voice shaky and unsure.

“It’s over,” Casimir said, her tone almost bored.

“Over? What do you mean?”

“This sword cannot harm the innocent,” the Apostle explained, sliding the blade back into its sheath with a smooth, practiced motion. “The fact that you remained unharmed is the surest proof of your innocence.”

“…But still—”

“Fabio, you seem to have a misunderstanding. We don’t kill people here just for receiving unknown blessings.”


“The Church of Order will protect you. You have nothing to fear.”


That’s when the Apostle took off the ornament covering his face, and I found myself momentarily speechless, staring into his molten silver eyes.

Holy shit, he’s ridiculously handsome!

Seeing his face now, I realized that this Apostle must have died before the events of Heretic Slayer took place.

His face was almost too perfect to be real. Everything was just flawlessly aligned – those high cheekbones, the straight nose, and don’t even get me started on those full, luscious lips. It was like staring at a goddamn masterpiece. If he had still been alive during Heretic Slayer, there’s no way I wouldn’t have recognized him.

If this guy was on the cover, Heretic Slayer would’ve sold at least 20% more copies…

I mean, imagine this scene: he’s in the middle of a battle, he removes his helmet, and with his incredible looks, he distracts the enemy. Bam! Easy kill. It’s a wonder how anyone could focus while fighting him.

No, wait. I need to stay focused myself.

Even with my “The Whole World Is Beneath One’s Self” trait, I almost got distracted just now.

That’s how stunningly good-looking he was. It was actually a bit terrifying.

“I know what you’re afraid of.”


I doubt it.

“The source of your fears lies beyond the stars themselves.”

Holy shit, he actually knows?

As Casimir untied my hands, I rubbed my wrists, still feeling uneasy. I looked up at the Apostle, my mind racing.

“So, this… being from beyond the stars—”

“Indeed, I can see that your blessing originates from that realm.”


Damn, these Apostles really do see everything.

But then it hit me.

“Is…is that allowed?”

Othergods are the Order’s ultimate taboo. Even a mere association with something outside their jurisdiction is grounds for “purification” — a fancy way of saying “enjoy your express ticket to heaven, right after we burn you at the stake.” 

“Is what allowed?”

“Me… being alive.”

“Did the entity from beyond the stars tell you that coming to us would seal your fate?”

The Apostle’s gaze was filled with what looked suspiciously like pity.

No, but the damn game sure did.

“No, not exactly,” I mumbled, averting my eyes.

To my surprise, Pell knelt down, meeting my gaze with a reassuring smile. He gently took my hands in his.

“Fabio, it’s alright.”

[SYSTEM: Due to the effect of ‘The Whole World Is Beneath One’s Self,’ the status effect ‘Blessing of Comfort’ has been nullified.]

This guy seriously doesn’t know when to quit.

If it’s not working, just stop already. These pop-up messages are driving me insane.

“You’re safe here.”


“The Order’s purpose is to protect the innocent.”

I didn’t know what was more frustrating: the relentless system notifications or the fact that his words actually brought me to tears.

[SYSTEM: Due to the effect of ‘The Whole World Is Beneath One’s Self,’ the status effect ‘Blessing of Comfort’ has been nullified.]

[SYSTEM: Due to the effect of ‘The Whole World Is Beneath One’s Self,’ the status effect ‘Blessing of Comfort’ has been nullified.]

[SYSTEM: Due to the effect of ‘The Whole World Is Beneath One’s Self,’ the status effect ‘Blessing of Comfort’ has been nullified.]

Damn, enough already!

Ironically, the annoyance helped me regain my composure. I wiped my tears with my sleeve and pulled my hands away from Pell’s grasp.

“So, you’re not lying to me, right? I’m truly safe?” I asked, my voice wavering.

“I swear on the name of Lord Roklem, whom I serve, that there is no deception in my words.”

“…Then, what’s the Saintess’s actual name?”

It can’t possibly be Adna, can it?

“Ah.” A flicker of embarrassment crossed his silver eyes. “I apologize. You’ve already figured it out, haven’t you?”

I mean, how could you not? Who in their right mind names people Adna and Pella?

I wonder if the guy who came up with these names is still in the Order. If I ever bump into him, I’ll have to slap him silly.

The Apostle attempted to regain his composure, offering an awkward smile.

“Truth be told, I am the Holy Maiden.”

…Wait, what?

“The title ‘Holy Maiden’ originated because the first chief Apostle was a woman… But gender is irrelevant for the role. Please, don’t be embarrassed, Fabio. No one here will admonish you for not having an extensive knowledge of the Order’s history.”

The Apostle—or rather, the male Holy Maiden—continued, now grinning.

“To honor the first Saintess, there’s a tradition of receiving baptismal names in feminine form, which can understandably lead to confusion.”

“If you’ve been baptized with the Blessing of Order, you’d naturally recognize a Saintess. Only heretics would be perplexed.”

“Haha, looking back, even our commander made that mistake before being baptized.”

Wait, so the Holy Maiden… can actually be a guy?

My head was spinning, but I managed to ask the question burning in my mind.

“Then… what’s your real name…?”

“Do you mean the name I had before becoming the Saint?”

He tilted his head slightly, his long silver hair flowing so smoothly it was like watching a 60FPS video.

“The name I took as the Holy Maiden is simply my baptismal name changed to its feminine form… so it’s not that different.”

Wait a minute.

“My original name is…”

No freaking way…

“Pelagio.”4T/N: Instead of roughly sounding like “Fellatio”, his original name literally sounds just like it to a Korean.

Is that actually your name?


T/N: Geez, this chapter was tough to translate. I have a feeling these Apostle names are going to be an internet treasure hunt challenge for me haha. The Order’s Saint’s name being Fellatio is wild.


    • It’s the same concept as that monty python sketch with the roman legionnaire named Biggus Dickus. Or imagine a noir film protag telling you his name is Richard, but “Call me dick”. I _could_ call him that, but the 10 year old in my brain would probably be giggling hysterically so I might insist on calling him richard.

      Probably works way better if you know korean

  1. No way…(˃̣̣̥▽˂̣̣̥) Their names were truly well-thought-out.

    Thank you fro the chapter! ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

  2. In Polish there is a (female) name “Adrianna” which shortens to “Ada”, so yea that’s a real name lol

  3. A simple process for a baptismal name… but couldn’t they save the poor fellow from his parents choices?

  4. Для корейцев эти имена звучат странно,а для европейцев это нормальное имя,хотя имя Пелагея странно для мужчины. С другой стороны есть и мужской вариант типа Пелагиус или Пелагий. Поэтому игру слов сложно понять,но спасибо за пояснения!
    Отдельно отмечу,что если поискать информацию,то данные персонажи в какой то мере взяты с реальных личностей,так как есть в христианстве Святая Адна/Адриана/Ада и Святой Пелагиус. Оба были мучениками и погибли за свою веру.

    • да да, вот почему Фабио почувствовал, что это было что-то вроде “прикола”, который поняли бы только корейцы и поржали с него. Я слышал о святом Пелагии, но не о другом. Занятненько~

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