Rise of the OtherGod Apostle: Not a Cult Leader, but a Serf?!

#072Reader Mode


It doesn’t just end with us never meeting again…

To think that Fabio was actually going to erase all memories of their time together.

…I had hoped confessing my love would make him let his guard down, even just a little.

If Fabio was so afraid of the ruthless, heretical butcher that he used to be, shouldn’t he feel relieved to see that this ‘Athanas’ was capable of love?

But reality proved otherwise…

Fabio’s expression was one of sheer horror, as if he had witnessed something that should never have happened. He denied Athanas’s feelings with the same desperate intensity he had argued against Sextus killing him.

Is it because to become a savior, ‘Athanas’ had to discard such human emotions?

Fabio studied Athanas’s face with concern. “You look exhausted… Are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” He assured him.

“I feel bad for waking you up for no reason. You really should get some more rest, from the looks of it.”

“No, I’m glad you did wake me. Thank you.”

“Oh, that reminds me – how did things go the day before yesterday?”

The day before yesterday?

Athanas had to pause to remember what he referred to.

Right, he meant the day we first met.

In Fabio’s memory, ‘the day before yesterday’ was when the mysterious man who slept all day had suddenly appeared asking to be woken up daily.

Athanas recounted their last conversation carefully. “There was an issue, but I managed to make amends somehow.”

“Well, that’s good. But still…” Fabio hesitated, then went on, “If there was a problem, shouldn’t you be more careful not to repeat the same mistake? What if I couldn’t make it today and you just slept here again?”

“But you did come to wake me.”

“And you just trusted that I would?”


Fabio’s frown deepened as he looked at Athanas skeptically. “No, we’ve barely spoken before. It’s incredibly reckless of you to trust someone you hardly know with something so important.”

Barely spoken.

Athanas wanted to object, but the words caught in his throat. He couldn’t help but see the situation from Fabio’s point of view.

On that first day, Athanas had been asleep all day when Fabio woke him out of concern. Instead of explaining himself, Athanas launched into his own ‘story’ and asked Fabio to wake him again the next day. Fabio had declined his invitation to share a meal.

The following day, Athanas was already deeply asleep when Fabio arrived to rouse him. They exchanged brief greetings before Fabio left, once more declining the meal offer.

The next day, Fabio woke the slumbering Athanas upon arrival, just as requested.

And now today…

They had barely spoken beyond pleasantries.

The numerous conversations Athanas remembered having with Fabio had never actually taken place in this reality.

Interpreting Athanas’s silence as embarrassment, Fabio let out a small sigh. “You look exhausted, so I won’t say anything more. For now, I’ll find a way to wake you up at the same time tomorrow. But you really need to find another solution.”

“…Thank you for your concern. I’ve already imposed too much, especially when you have important plans.”

Fabio eyed him doubtfully. “Did I say I have an important appointment?”

“Well, every time I invite you to dine, you firmly refuse to even join. Since you reject without proposing another time, I assumed your meals involved someone significant…”

Athanas rubbed the back of his neck self-consciously. “Could it be you don’t actually have plans today?”

“No, I do have an appointment today as well.”

“I see. What about tomorrow…”

“Um, the person I promised to always eat with is uncomfortable around strangers. I think it would be difficult.”

“Is that so… I didn’t mean to make things difficult. It’s okay if you refuse.”

“…Then I’d prefer if you didn’t invite me again. I feel bad repeatedly refusing.”

“I understand.” Athanas nodded, thinking to himself, This is difficult. Fabio’s determination to keep his distance was palpable.

The one fortunate thing was that until Athanas had confessed first, Fabio would never suspect that Athanas, a man, could be interested in him romantically.

Since he didn’t hesitate to use Oblivion to erase my affections.

It was better for now that such thoughts didn’t even cross Fabio’s mind.

The last thing Athanas wanted was for Fabio to ask the Apostle he was meeting today to use Oblivion on someone making him uncomfortable…

Suddenly, a voice muttered loudly from behind a nearby bookshelf. “Oh no, it’s doomed! What now?”

Fabio turned his head in that direction. There was a sharp inhale followed by the frantic sound of flipping pages.

The voice continued its awkward monologue. “Ah, the book is decaying! The letters are falling off! What do I do? I’ll have to rewrite it all! I’m doomed, absolutely doomed!”

It was so over-the-top that it was hard to take it seriously. Fabio frowned slightly but quickly smoothed his expression, glancing at Athanas.

“Anyway, I should get going,” Fabio said. “Enjoy your meal, Athanas.”

As Fabio left, Athanas’s colleagues who had been observing gathered around him.

“Whew, I thought my heart would stop for a moment there. But luckily, I kept my wits! He didn’t seem to notice anything strange, right?”

As if he wouldn’t, Athanas thought wryly.

“So Athanas, what are you seriously going to do?” one colleague asked. “That guy seems really devoted to his oath partner.”

“Shh, keep it down,” another chided. “Can’t you see his heart is already shattered? Tsk, look at his face…”

Athanas sighed. “I just need some time alone right now.”

His colleagues exchanged knowing looks and gave him reassuring pats on the shoulder.

“If you ask me, you’ve still got a chance,” one said. “The fact that he genuinely cares about you has to mean something.”

“Exactly! And he did agree to wake you again tomorrow. If he wasn’t interested at all, he would’ve refused. So don’t look so devastated.”

Athanas simply waved his hand, dismissing them without a word.

He desperately needed time to sort through the whirlwind of thoughts storming his mind. The throbbing behind his eyes intensified, so Athanas squeezed them tightly shut.

…At this rate, I can only use retrograde once more, maybe twice at the most.

As his stamina waned, even if he forced himself to stay alert, his reactions slowed and mistakes piled up.

In those fleeting moments his guard slipped, he blacked out for mere seconds at a time.

He could act on pre-planned maneuvers, but reacting nimbly became increasingly difficult.

Either way, I must use Retrograde one more time.

Ultimately, he had to ‘naturally’ stop Fabio and contrive a reason for him not to proceed directly to the cafeteria, while also causing his colleagues to withdraw so the sixth Apostle felt no discomfort.

Since this attempt failed…

Athanas pondered deeply.

Should he turn back time immediately?


…I should seize every opportunity I’m given.

This was to save him.

To accomplish that, he mustn’t be afraid to cross the line.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

The metallic tang of blood filled his mouth, its pungent taste lingering.

“Athanas, you don’t have to keep apologizing for something small like this. How are you going to apologize when you make a big mistake later?”

That kind voice echoed incessantly in his mind. Yet Athanas could offer no response, for the apology regarded events that had not occurred and never would.

“What happened? Why is your nose bleeding like that?”

“You seemed fine this morning. How did you end up in such a half-dead state?”

As soon as Fabio left, his colleagues bombarded him with questions. Ignoring their inquiries, Athanas stated what needed to be said first.

“I received Valentine’s revelation again. It warned that if my promised partner notices the tailing today, disaster will strike.”

“What? That’s terrible! The others are likely at the cafeteria already…”

“There’s still time. I need to change out of these bloodstained clothes before heading there…”

“Before that, I’m going now!”

Spurred by the mention of an urgent revelation, one colleague rushed out hurriedly.

“…Did you purposely give yourself that nosebleed? For this mission?” The remaining one asked hesitantly.

Too weary for words, Athanas simply nodded in affirmation.


I have to wait an hour to ensure nothing actually happens.

His eyes felt gritty, as if grains of sand rolled within them, while a ringing echoed in his ears. Athanas took out a handkerchief, dampened it with water from his canteen, and wiped his face clean.

After that, I should be able to rest.

The moment he let go of the tension, he felt he could sink into a swamp-like slumber.

“Athanas, you really…”

“…Do you have something to say?” Athanas asked.

“No, nevermind. I just thought Valentine must cherish you deeply.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Well… for him to support your pursuit of love to this extent.”

…I should be careful about overusing the word ‘revelation’.

If word got out that Valentine was encouraging a love affair by granting three revelations, people would want to verify if it was true.

“You should make a generous offering to Valentine. Who knows? Maybe your sincerity will move him to give you a chance to get closer to your destined partner.”

Even exhausted, Athanas considered the suggestion.

Using ‘Valentine’s revelation’ as an excuse would make devoting himself to Valentine seem natural.

“…I almost overlooked something important. Thank you for the reminder. I’ll make a donation right away today.”

“How much were you thinking of giving?”

To seem sincere…

“Half of all the money I have.”

“What? But don’t you hardly spend anything, saving nearly your whole salary? That would be a crazy amount, right?”

“To obtain love, I could offer it all. It’s just that if I do, I won’t have a way to show gratitude after it happens, so I’m leaving half.”

“…You’re really desperate.”

More than desperate, he just had to seem that way.

Athanas didn’t truly expect Valentine’s personal help.

After all, the revelation was his own made-up story to begin with.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

The next day.

“Um…I don’t actually have lunch plans today…”

Seeing Fabio’s face turn beet red, Athanas was momentarily confused.

“…I see.”

“So…aren’t you going to invite me this time?”


…Maybe I should have just made a donation instead of using Retrograde?

T/N: We’ve come full circle at last. The author has brought us back to the beginning to explain why Athanas had a nosebleed that day. Time should move forward regularly from here on out… or will it? Bwahahahaha! 〈`∀´〉Ψ Ey! One of you lurking readers, keep an eye on Athanas for any ‘hella sus’ incidents, alright?


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